This article is intended to help schools understand how to create a new Stripe Account and connect it to their Odyssey account.
1. Select your business location, the type of business, and the business structure.
2. Click [Continue].
Business Information
- Fill out the required information about your school:
- Legal business name-School Name
- DBA, if needed
- Employer identifcation Number (EIN) of the person who manages the finances of the school and will be managing the Stripe account.
- Business address- School Address
- Business phone number-School Phone Number
- Type of industry
- Business website- School Website
- Product description- Description of the school
Click [Continue].
Business Manager
- Fill out the required information for the business or financial administrator of the school as they will be managing the Stripe account:
- Legal name
- Email address
- Job title
- Date of Birth
- Home address
- Phone number
- Last 4 digits of Social Security Number
- Click the checkbox if you own 25% or more of the business. If not, leave the checkbox blank.
- Click [Continue].
Business Owners
- Provide information on the business owners. Alternatively, you can opt to continue without providing this information by clicking [Continue with no owners].
Bank Account
- Search for and connect to your bank institution.
- Once you select the bank institution, you'll get an option to automatically and quickly connect your account. Nonetheless, you can choose to do it manually.
- If you do the automatic option, you'll be prompted to select the bank account.
- Once done, click [Connect account].
- You can save your information with Link, but you can also opt to skip this step by clicking [Not now].
- After this step, you'll see a Success message. You can then click [Done].
- If you have multiple bank accounts set up, you can select the primary one you want to receive the tuition payments at.
- You can always link another bank account or enter bank account details manually.
- Click [Continue].
Public Details
- Add public details to your account. These will be visible to Odyssey-not the parents.
- Statement descriptor
- Shortened description (optional)
- Customer support phone number
- Customer support address
- If you don't want the customer support phone number to be visible in receipts or invoices, click the button next to "Show phone number on receipts and invoices".
- Click [Continue].
- Decide if you want Stripe to monitor when and where you need to collect tax.
- If you choose not to partake, click [Not right now].
Review and Submit
- Take a moment to review the information provided.
- If everything is correct, click [Agree and submit].
Once that's done, you'll get an information submitted message, and you'll be transferred back to the Odyssey homepage.
You'll be seeing a checkmark next to Bank Account Setup, and your status will be changed to Enrollment to mean that you've successfully set up your account and you're enrolled as a school in the program.
Video Tutorial:
Duration: 3:28 Minutes