This article is intended for any parents looking to make a return through Odyssey.
Thank you for shopping with Odyssey. We work hard to provide the most effective, easy and straightforward experience. We work tirelessly with hundreds of vendors including many local independent businesses to bring you the best products applicable to your state’s eligible expense lists.
Due to the nature of this program though, we regretfully must implement a “No Cancelation Policy” covering both products and services. We encourage you to review our return policy, which includes a return honoring a full refund within 30 days on products that are delivered as an incorrect item, or if the item is damaged in transit.
Damaged and incorrect items can be returned within 30 days. Please know that the time period begins the day you receive your product. You must receive an Odyssey return authorization before sending your product back. Request authorization by emailing using the email associated with your account.
Incorrect Item: In the event of an incorrect item, the product in question must be returned in “like new” condition before replacement can be sent.
Items Damaged in Transit: Please show photo proof of packaging when requesting a return authorization.
Services not rendered: Please show proof the student has not attended a purchased class.
Refunds for services will be reflected on your account within 4 to 6 weeks from the date the vendor confirms the refund. For products, once the item is returned, inspected, and approved for credit by the vendor, the refund process will begin. Refunds for products returned will be reflected on your account within 4 to 6 weeks from the date the vendor receives the return.
Expect to receive your return label in the email address you provided within 2 business days. If you do not receive the return labels within this time period, please contact us immediately. Return labels expire 2 weeks after the Issue date. Should you contact Odyssey after the return label expiration date, we will not be able to re-send the return labels. Request a return label by emailing