This article is intended for vendors in the Idaho 2023-2024 Empowering Parents Grant, Iowa, and Missouri Marketplace.
After a customer places an order, the vendor must do the following:
1. Log into the Odyssey Vendor Account.
2. Click the [Orders] Tab.
3. Click on [Client].
4. Find the customer.
5. Select [Confirm] or [Cancel].
- If you click confirm, you're accepting the order; the product or service can be provided. If you click cancel, the order will be denied.
- Please note an alternate wording is [Open] or [Cancelled].
6. If you select [Confirm] you will be prompted to perform one of two actions:
- Input the receipt number: If you provide a service, you will be prompted to input the receipt number. This number is the one used in your internal books. Please include it after the service has been performed.
- Input the Tracking ID: If you provide an item, you will be prompted to input the Tracking ID. This number is the one provided after you ship your item.
7. After inputting this information, click save. By doing this our system will know the order has been finalized and the payment process and Net 30 can begin.
Please keep in mind that all vendors must provide a monthly invoice for all completed orders. This is for reconciliation purposes and can be sent to